Auto Loan Calculator

Auto loan calculator helps you to easily determine the estimated monthly payment and total cost of your car loan.

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 Include All Fees in Loan
Monthly Pay:  
Auto price:
Down payment:
Trade-in value:
Sale tax:
Total loan amount:
Total interest paid:
Total loan + interest:
Total cost (price, interest, tax):
Estimated payoff date:

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About Auto Loan Calculator

Welcome to our Auto Loan Calculator. It's a free financial tool that lets you know how much your monthly car loan payment is and the total price you need to pay including interest. Also, it lets you adjust the down payment, trade-in value, and sales tax for your car loan.

Auto Loan Calculator | Car Loan Calculator

How to Use the Auto Loan Calculator?

  1. Firstly, enter the auto price.
  2. Also, you can enter the down payment and trade-in values as needed. But it's optional. You can leave it blank if you don't pay it.
  3. After that, enter the loan term in months or years.
  4. Enter the interest rate in percentage.
  5. Sales tax is optional. You can enter it if you want to include it in the calculation.
  6. There is a checkbox option that allows you to include all fees in the loan. Simply check it if needed.
  7. Lastly, just press the "Calculate" button.
  8. As a result, you can see the loan estimation on your screen. It shows the total monthly pay, sale tax, total loan amount, interest paid, total loan and interest, total cost of the car, and estimated payoff date.
  9. Also, you can find the monthly amortization schedule with all the necessary details.